As I still seem to be pissing my fetus off and causing it to create a major pain in my back I am forced to continue on my “Imagine the Impossible” challenge of coming up with couch crafts. I have been meaning to make some doll clothes for my son’s favorite bunnies for some time and what better way to use my time than knocking that project off my list.
I did do a tiny bit of prep work off the couch. I grabbed an arm load of fabric scraps, buttons, velcro, thread, scissors, and hand sewing needles. I sat down and very quickly traced the arms and torsos of Hippity and Hoppity and came up with two tiny patterns for a bib and jacket. Then I reclined on the couch cut them out and hand-sewed the clothes.

Sure what took me a few hours laying and sewing would have taken mere minutes on a machine. However, it kept me busy and McClain Ooohhed and Aahhhed while I was fitting them. As a bonus he got to be more a part of the process. Of course when he wanted the thread, needle, and scissors I had to limit the amount of the process he could be.

Anyway, for my first check in on the “Imagine the Impossible” it is still feeling pretty damn impossible to be idle for another 6-8 weeks and find crafts I can do and blog about. At least I found one I and my son enjoyed!

Stopping by from the impossibilities challenge…the bunny clothes are adorable! I can totally relate to the bedrest frustrations as I was on hospitalized bedrest for a month before having my second set of twins and am now off my feet due to a broken leg..uhh! Hope the time passes quickly for you and i look froward to seeing what else you create!
Thanks for dropping by! Perhaps you are all done with the bedrest after the leg. Seems like you’ve had your fair share.
I love your rabbits–and, 14 years later, remember enough of bedrest hell to feel your pain. (Sure you don’t have two in there? Just kidding!) I think laziness is only sweet when it is a choice. But your rabbits are certainly sweet.
Lord forbid I have two!!! Choice is a huge part of the annoyance factor. Thanks for the encouragement!
WOW!!! so thrilled you have joined the challenge and coming from some one that does not sew i am IMPRESSED!!! WOW…did i say WOW!!!! i will be watching…i just LOVE this…hugs…
Well please remember sewing didn’t happen overnight. I learned from my mother, then perfected skills in school. It was a numerous year journey and sometimes I still have to look up how to make a placket or turn a collar. Like anything in life practice makes perfect. Thanks for coming by to visit!
Hello! those are some adorable bunny outfits! i’m sorry about your bed rest orders, but i like that you are keeping busy by crafting and creating!! how about embroidery or knitting too??
thanks for joining the challenge with us!!
Thanks for the complement on the rabbits. Knitting… My mother-in-law would love for someone other than her to take up knitting, but I guarantee as soon as I can move on a regular basis my patience for that will dry up. Now embroidery… That is a suggestion I am defiantly mulling over. Thanks for stopping by!
Brianna! I’m so impressed. You are really taking this challenge head on, and probably have the biggest obstacle of us all. Those little bunny clothes area adorable. Thanks so much for linking back to my blog. I’m so glad you’re a part of the challenge!
Hello sweet friend! You can do it! I love your rabbits! What about needlepoint to keep you busy?
And you sent me the most encouraging comment of the day! You are right! I can learn to bake without having to mess with cooking! Great concept! Thanks for the inspiration!
I’ve never had the patience for cross-stitch but I used to do some silk ribbon embroidery. Maybe I can pull that out and make a quick project.
I was serious about the cooking… Baking I can get behind, though it seemed like alchemy at first. I just don’t think that cooking is ever going to be for me.
Ugh – bedrest! Love how you are keeping yourself busy. Those bunnies have never looked so snazzy! So glad you are joining our challenge! Can’t wait to see what other crafts you’ve got up your sleeve.
Thanks for dropping by. I never knew being forced to be lazy would be so maddening!
Adorable & hand sewn! I’m duly impressed … I need a machine …
So glad you’re in on the “Impossibilities” challenge!
In various jobs I have gotten to use some pretty sweet sewing machines (industrial, bernina, etc) However, I am super happy with a basic Brother machine I picked up from a big box store. It is light-weight, portable, CHEAP!, and really easy to learn on if you aren’t used to them.
Thanks for dropping by and can’t wait to see next week’s updates.