Contact Us

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15 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Hello
    I must congratulate you for providing the worksheet for cihicken management information
    However i am searching for a place to indicate the number of birds either growing or laying and cant find

    kindly assist


    1. If you fill in the birth, laying, death dates, it will auto calculate the birds for you

  2. Hi there! I am really excited to start using your Poultry tracker as it is perfect for me since we have quails, chickens and ducks! When will the 2021 edition be coming out? Thank you for everything you do!

  3. hi. i have clay soil, sloping yard, and i added terrasing to help, but the higher levels are still heavy on clay and don’t retain water well. I’d like to try this method, – but is the wood frame necesary to keep moisture in?

    1. Hi, We aren’t exactly certain what article you are referencing, but raised beds can be created out of lots of materials. If you are discussing hugelkultur methods for water retention then adding wood matter under the soil is absolutely necessary. But the bed itself could be rock, block, brick, metal, etc… Hope that helps!

  4. 2020 Poultry Tracker looks even better than 2019. Thanks for all the work. I was happy to see some of the suggestions I offered in 2019 made it into the new 2020 spreadsheet. It is great you are taking user feedback and making improvements.

    Bug Report: The math is not adding up. After I entered my stats in the Egg Log, I checked the Summary Statistics and discovered that I had 31 colored eggs, but somehow only 25 eggs by size and only 25 eggs laid by my chickens, for a loss of 6 eggs in those calculations. Working backwards, I discovered that the eggs I entered on 1/1/2020 are not being added to the Size and Species Egg stats, but they are calculated correctly for Color Type.

    Also, for some reason, I already have summary stats for December for the 6 missing eggs on 1/1/2020. For some reason, the missing eggs in the January Size and Species Egg is showing up in the December stats. My December stats show I have 2 XL Eggs, 2 Large Eggs, and 2 Medium Eggs, which is exactly what I entered for 1/1/2020.

    I hope that was clear enough, but let me know if you need any more clarification or information.

    Again, thanks for all your work.

  5. In my yard I have a corner area for yard waste. I want to enclose it with a fence for looks, and to contain it.
    In order for it to breakdown and compost is there a particular type of fence that would be best?
    My wife wanted it made of a Trex or composite, or pine? But after reading your page I’m guessing that it needs to be more open.
    Should it have slatted opening so air can move freely through it?
    Or can it be stockade style?
    Thank you,

    1. So you have some choices. Trex would be great. But it is pricey. You can use a pine or composite you just have to realize that any wood near the ground is likely to decompose. Of course this is true with any fence! It does need airflow, or you will get a stinky wet mess in between your fence and no one wants that! However, once you fill it with sticks and clippings the space between is filled and you won’t have neighbors prying their eyes through the slats.

  6. I would like to subscribe to your newsletters .

    1. I got you added!

  7. How would I put gold leaf inside a stamped logo without getting size over the outside edges.

    1. Very small brush!

    2. I would use a very small brush to place the size exactly where I needed it to be. Otherwise it will get everywhere and it is very hard to remove.

  8. guys are freakin HILARIOUS! Best tutorial I’ve ever seen..just like I’d teach it!

    1. Thanks!

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