Spring is heralded by the appearance of flowers, singing of birds, and greening of everything. While it isn’t quite Spring-time I am beyond ready for a little bit of growth. To celebrate the coming season change I worked on creating faux cherry blossoms and branches from old maple limbs and hand-dyed crepe paper.

The tutorial for creating these blossoms is quick and easy. The mantel itself, just required stealing borrowing a few rocks from the garden and moss from the neighbors shady backyard. Don’t worry I’ll put them all back very soon. Well at least the moss. The rocks are probably getting moved to a new position in the garden anyway.
The quick and easy crepe paper blossom tutorial leaves out the visual steps of spray painting branches white and hot gluing the blossoms down. Mostly because I really hope everyone can read the can of spray paint and use a glue gun… If not then I suggest you run, not walk, away from the rest of the tutorials. Anyway, here are a few more details. Make sure to check out the how-to for creating your own blossoms.
How-to Create Easy Cherry Blossom Branches
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