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Egg & Poultry Tracking Spreadsheet

2025 Update:

Since 2018 we have been providing a free egg tracking spreadsheet.  While we plan to maintain a free version we found helping users, updates, and enhancements were taking more and more time each year!  In order to keep up with folks needs but also maintain a free tracker we have created an Etsy shop where you can purchase reusable and more in-depth tracking sheets.  While we will keep a basic sheet alive for free!

To purchase our in-depth tracker that include egg size, color, breed and other factors for tracking visit our Etsy Store!  Otherwise read on to get your free tracker.

Our Etsy Store

For our free version read on.

Hey Poultry Enthusiasts! ?? Ready to take your egg-tracking game to the next level in 2025 without breaking the bank? Look no further! We’re thrilled to present the latest edition of our free Google Spreadsheet – your all-in-one solution for keeping tabs on your clucky companions’ eggcellent exploits. Whether you’re raising chickens, quail, or ducks, our user-friendly tracker lets you log eggs, poultry, expenses and profits. It’s like a cozy nest for all your poultry data! ?? We’ve been at this since 2018,  so if you are already a fan? Skip to the bottom for the freshest version. New here? Dive in, follow us on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or Pinterest, and share the egg-love with your fellow feathered-friend enthusiasts. Let’s make this year’s egg tracking as sunny-side-up as it gets!

Please note you may not get all the items shown in the pictures. These are past screenshots

What All Can I Keep Track Of?

There are four main areas you can keep track of for your flock:

  • The Poultry (Chicken, Quail, and Ducks)
  • The Eggs
  • The Expenses (There are many)
  • The Income (Not nearly enough)

The Poultry

As with previous years you can log as much or as little information about your flock as you want. Highlights include birth, deaths, lay dates and notes for ducks, chicken, and quail. The only required field is a date for laying if you want the hens of all species to average correctly. Don’t worry about perfection, I sometimes can only get a lay date within a couple of weeks depending on how many pullets I have going that year.

The Eggs

Shooooo, folks really have opinions on this area.  We have kept it simple by providing a egg total by day and poultry type. Remember if you want to track sizes and colors just see our Etsy shop.

Wow This Is Overwhelming, Where do I start?

First scroll down and make a copy of the sheet into your own Google Drive. Then follow the instructions on sheet one. Summaries and charts are automatically created from entering your chickens and eggs in the various tabs. Don’t worry if you still need help, we have a handy guide from 2018 that still gets you going: Directions on how to use the chicken tracker We also will assist folks (when time allows) via comments or Facebook/Instagram chat. Please remember we don’t make money doing this and we work full time outside of this website.

Can I get an Excel/Paper/Other Version of this Egg Tracker?

Please keep asking in the comments below, but for right now the free version is only available via Google Sheets. If we ever have enough interest we will make other options for a small fee.

Can I Use This Egg Tracker For My Small Business?

ABSO-FREAKING-Lutely. While we cater to small backyard flocks, we firmly support small farm businesses and homesteads! Please let us know if you use this poultry tracker for your small business. We would love to support you on social media and make changes to assist you. Farmers are the backbone of our food supply! We just ask that no one packages this sheet up and sells it for a profit or posts it as their own work. We make this for free so everyone can enjoy so be kind and don’t take credit for our work.


How Do We Get Our Copy?!

Click the link below and you will be prompted to make a copy to your Google Drive. Make the copy and then run with it. Please note, I only give copy access to the Poultry Egg Tracking Spreadsheet. This avoids someone accidentally messing the entire sheet up.

Need More Help?

We made this handy YouTube video on how to use the tracking sheet:


How Can I Make You A Millionaire for Your Awesomeness?

If you like/use the tracker we simply ask that you spread the word about the free poultry egg tracker to others and send in suggestions via comments. Each year we try to incorporate what readers want to see. You are free to use it for personal or business use. Just don’t try to sell it as your product because that makes you a meanie, not nice person. If you really NEEEEED to give us compensation check out our Support Us page!

Download your free Google Spreadsheet to track egg production for your flock. Track chickens, ducks, quail, sizes of eggs, plus profit & loss!
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2020 Egg & Poultry Tracker

Example of the new graphs available in the free 2020 egg tracker

Edit: We now have a 2024 Version Available!

If you are a home enthusiast or small farm you will want to check out this year’s annual free egg tracker. That’s right, it is time for our annual update to the egg tracking spreadsheet and this year is a dooooozy of updates. If you downloaded our free chicken egg tracker before then you know we strive to allow for flexibility in how many details you track with your chickens. So you may be excited to hear we gave the egg tracker a brand new update that expanded the same egg size and color, breed, and income/expenses to other types of poultry. Now you can track egg production for your chicken, ducks, and quail!

Updates to the free 2020 Chicken Egg Tracker aka Poultry Egg Tracker

  • Renamed to the 2020 Poultry Tracker
  • Handles leap year
  • Fixed some bugs helpful readers corrected throughout the year
  • Added ducks
  • Added quail
  • Added new summary statistics for better understanding of your best species and egg layers
  • Added new graphs to assist in at-a-glance understanding of your laying flock
  • Added capacity to track new egg colors
  • Fixed atrocious spelling errors that have been there waaaaayyyyy too long
Example of the new graphs available in the free 2020 egg tracker

Highlights of the Poultry Egg Tracker

My favorite change is the new color breakdown donut chart. The colors aren’t glamorous, but you can actually tell which color eggs are your breakouts without reading tiny print.

I also love having a sheet where I can add my coturnix quail eggs along with my chicken egg tracking. We aren’t into ducks yet, but I had Arrowhead Point Farms reach out and show me some of the changes they had made to accommodate their ducks, which got me excited to add both types of poultry. Speaking of… If you are one of the lucky few with Cayuga ducks I added a grey color type into the sheet to track your awesome eggs!

Finally, I spent some time breaking down egg production AND grouping egg production so you can see all your flocks combined or broken out by species and egg color.

What Functionality Hasn’t Changed

You can still put minimal data into the sheet and simply track your eggs. Columns that have to be filled out in order for it to work have been marked with an astrik. Not into tracking colors or sizes? Then just fill out total eggs by color or just total eggs. Only have one species? No problem, just fill out chickens OR ducks OR quail. It will all still work.

One thing I didn’t do this year was make a pared down version of the 2019 chicken egg tracking spreadsheet. I didn’t get any feedback on it or requests for assistance. So either it was really awesome! Or people weren’t using it. If you need a 2020 version of the simple chicken egg tracker let me know and I’ll whip one up.

How Do I Get My Tracker?

Click the link below and you will be prompted to make a copy to your Google Drive. Make the copy and then run with it. Please note, I only give copy access to the Poultry Egg Tracking Spreadsheet. This avoids someone accidentally messing the entire sheet up.

Free 2020 Poultry & Egg Tracker (Copy Only)

If you would like to see an example all filled out you can click this link:

2020 Poultry & Egg Tracker w/Examples (View Only)

If you want more directions on how to use the poultry egg tracking spreadsheet I wrote a guide in 2018. Click the link below:

Directions on how to use the tracker

What Do We Ask For In Return?

If you like/use the tracker we simply ask that you spread the word about the free poultry egg tracker to others and send in suggestions via comments. Each year we try to incorporate what readers want to see. You are free to use it for personal or business use. Just don’t try to sell it as your product because that makes you a meanie, not nice person.

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Fresh Eggs for Sale

Eggs in nesting box

Craft Thyme is excited to announce that our fresh eggs are for sale (for local pickup) straight from our small urban homestead! If you live in the Asheville, North Carolina area and are looking for tasty eggs from happy chickens you have come to the right place. Our eggs are never washed, never refrigerated, and lovingly laid by our happy hens. You get a fresh egg, truly free ranged on our local property.

How do you buy our fresh, ungraded eggs? Message us on Facebook or email us at We plan to sell at local markets this summer but until then we provide a pickup location in West Asheville, NC for our colorful, local eggs. Current cost $5 a dozen. Will sell in larger and smaller quantities.

Fresh colorful eggs for sale in Asheville, NC

Egg FAQs

Why aren’t the eggs washed?

When chickens lay eggs they create a protective coating called a bloom around the egg. This bloom keeps the bacteria out of the egg making for the freshest experience! We keep a clean coop and nesting boxes but occasionally you may see some mud spots on the eggs.

Shouldn’t those eggs be refrigerated?

No! One of the best things about fresh eggs is you do not have to refrigerate them (up to 45 days) but you can refrigerate them if you want (up to 3 months).

Happy chickens lay tasty eggs

What do your chickens eat and why should I care?

Everything! Our chickens get lots of time on our pesticide free lawn, they roam our wooded areas, and the dig in any garden bed I happen to not be watching. What they are doing that entire time? Eating whatever they fancy! Dandelions, worms, bugs, wild cherries, lettuce, you name it, they eat it. We also provide fresh feed, on demand, anytime the girls want. This means the chickens get plenty of exercise while their eggs taste of the seasons and have bright flavorful yolks.

So why are your hens so happy?

Our hens get the pampered life, from living in a Taj Ma-coop when they can’t free range to lots of pets, scratches and neck rubs. We make sure they get lots of dust baths, a clean secure coop to live in, and a basically stress free chicken life.

Chickens in nesting boxes laying fresh eggs

If these eggs are so great why are you selling them?

Right now we get anywhere from 8-12 eggs a day. Domestic hens lay almost every day during the warmer months. Regardless, of what we do they will still produce eggs unless they were sick or starving (not happening in this house). That means that even as a family of 6 we can only eat so many delicious eggs each week. The money made from our eggs goes right back to the care of the ladies.

Can I hatch these eggs?

No, right now we do not have a rooster and our eggs are not fertilized. These means no chicks will hatch. If that changes we will make sure to update this section.

Eggs in nesting box

Is it legal to sell eggs without a farm license?

By North Carolina egg law we are allowed to sell 30 dozen ungraded eggs without a license. Let me repeat that, 30 dozen! That is a lot of eggs, and while our girls produce, we are no where close to that many eggs.

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2019 Egg Laying Tracker

Free egg tracking spreadsheet with charts

Edit: We now have a 2024 Version Available!

We may already be a week into 2019, but it is not to late to start tracking your home chicken egg production with this easy spreadsheet.  In 2018 I released a version that allows you to track your chickens, egg production, sizes, colors, income, and expenses.  Everything the home chicken hobbiest might need to keep their flock’s statistics.  I’ve made some tweaks and am now happy to offer another free egg and chicken tracker for 2019.  This way everyone can keep up with how deeply in the hole their chickens are taking them :).

2019 Egg Laying and Chicken Flock Tracker

As with last year’s model I am releasing this utility for tracking eggs and other chicken statistics via Google Sheets.  I like Google Sheets because I can access it on my phone and easily enter in eggs while I collect them.  I used the sheet myself for all of 2018 and got the following charts at the end of the year.  We started with a new flock that did not start laying until July which is why there are no eggs for the first few months.:

Free egg tracking spreadsheet with charts
Let’s not discuss the profit portion… Hobby right? Might also help if we didn’t eat so many eggs.

So what’s New for 2019?

  1. Added XL eggs.  Apparently some of you are all fancy and actually measure and grade these eggs out.  For you I added the calculations for XL eggs in all colors!
  2. Created a separate sheet for the lazy in us.  It is a pared down version of the larger tracker for those that just want to track some basics.

Tell us more about the Easy Tracker!

So you want to know more about the simple egg tracker?  Well I took out the sizing, as I heard many people did not weigh their eggs nor did they want to guess the size.  I left in color, but you can skip that entirely and just put in a total. It also removes a chart and shortens the summary.  You still get all the totals, averages, and goodies.

Easy egg tracker for the home hobbiest

So How do I Use the Free Chicken Egg Tracker?

I made a pretty good guide on how to use the tracker in 2018.  It still works just click that link!  Also there are some details and release notes inside the first page of both trackers.

Great I’m Sold! How do I get it?

I sure hope you are sold on this egg and chicken tracking spreadsheet because, well, it is free!  No catch, I just like making utilities for myself and if others find it useful then great.  Click on the links below and you will be prompted to make a copy for yourself.  As usual if there is enough demand I will consider making this in Excel or a printable pdf version.

Other Helpful Links:

All I ask for payment is that you share this post if you think others can use it and let me know your questions, comments, and ideas for improvement in the comments below!

Free Egg Tracker 2019

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How to Know When Your Chickens Will Start Laying Eggs

When will your chickens start laying eggs?

If you purchased or hatched chicks for the first time this spring you may be wondering when your chickens will start laying. One of the things that will drive any chicken owner crazy is waiting for your first egg. BUT how do you know when your chicken will start laying? The general rule of thumb is that chickens will start laying around 6 months old (22-28 weeks) is the norm, but there are some precocious breeds that start earlier. Even if your chickens start laying in the normal range that still leaves 1-2 months of uncertainty, *le sigh*. While, we can’t predict with perfect accuracy when your chicken will start laying here are some signs that you may get an egg in a week or two, which, for my inpatient heart is a step in the right direction.

Signs Your Chicken Will Start Laying Her First Egg

When will your chickens start laying eggs?

How Much Time Since Hatch?

Remember below are just estimates of when these different breeds of chickens will start laying. However, it does help to know if you have a late or early egg laying breed.

  • Buff Orpington: 24 Weeks
  • Barred Plymouth Rock: 20 Weeks
  • Easter Eggers: 20 Weeks
  • Cochin: 30 Weeks
  • Brahma: 30 Weeks
  • Favorelle: 23 Weeks
  • Silkie: 32 Weeks
  • Polish: 26 Weeks
  • Sussex: 22 Weeks

Your Chicken Should Be Fully Grown

After knowing about when your chicken breed might start laying, the first way to tell that your chicken might be ready to lay an egg is the way your chicken looks! Most chickens need to be fully grown to lay an egg. Seems like a no-brainer, except with my first flock I wasn’t sure what ‘fully grown’ looked like. Pullets may look as though they are grown with large sizes and lots of beautiful feathers. To tell if a hen is fully grown you will need to inspect the comb and wattles. These should be dark red (or blue, or black, or whatever color your chicken breed has). The comb and wattles need to be fully pigmented and swollen to final size. The chickens will have all their adult feathers and finally lost their terrifying teenage look. Unless you were our speckled Sussex. She started laying waaaay before she was done with wattles and feathers… If I hadn’t seen her laying myself I still wouldn’t believe our pullet was capable of laying while looking so teenagery still.

Difference between a pullet and laying hen
Can you see the subtle differences between a pullet and laying hen?

Squatting behavior

When your chicken is ready to lay her first egg she will often do a funny little squat when you come up to her. Before our pullets began to lay even the tame ones would kind of sidle away and dart around when we would approach to pet them. Then suddenly, a few of them would stop and drop when we went to pet them. A quick brush of the hand and they’ll fan their rumps in the air. Not to be chicken graphic, but this is what they would also do for a rooster. If you want to be a little less gross think about how a cat will stick its butt in the air when you pet them at the base of their tale… Same concept.

Being in the Nesting Boxes

Another good way to know when your chickens will start laying is to note who suddenly started showing interest in the nesting boxes. We had a new flock this year and made sure to fill up the nesting boxes around 20 weeks with straw. They hens took a look at the boxes and then promptly ignored them.

Side note: If you have a small coop beware, they can get in the habit of hanging out in the nesting boxes due to lack of room. This makes for gross nesting boxes and problems later.

Anyway, a couple of weeks after I filled the nesting boxes with straw, I noticed the Barred Plymouth Rock rooting around in the box. Sure enough, she was the first to lay. Our larger Welsummer was in the coop a lot checking the nesting boxes out recently and I caught her laying this week!

There are a couple other ways that aren’t quite as easy to tell if your chicken is going to start laying. But they still they are generally true for a lot of chickens.

Start Making a Bock-Bock Noise

Don’t you just love my scientific description of chicken noises :)? I’m pretty sure my three year old can do a better impression of a chicken.  That being said, chickens that are about to start laying will often be noisier. They will develop an egg laying bock-bock noise. It is hard to describe for first time chicken owners, but once you get accustomed to the sound you will know when they start practicing that noise. There are some breeds that a quieter than others like our cochins and brahmas but most chickens get pretty verbal around laying time.

Barred Plymouth Rock Pullet
Bock! Bock!

Chickens Become More Tame/Stand Ground

Some chickens are just not going to be squatters as mentioned above, but they all seems to settle down a bit when they are going to start laying eggs.. Generally speaking, chickens will also just lose some of their flightiness around laying time. Unless you are our Polish… That thing is always crazy. Chickens that are about to lay will just start to get more secure in their surroundings. Our layers will hold their ground when I open up the nesting boxes, even when they aren’t actively laying. They will come more when we called and just generally settle down and act like a mature, sensible chicken (again, minus our Polish). I have always assumed it was because they start to cement their adult pecking order and see us as the heads of the flock. Also, think about when you were a teenager (Crazy)… versus when you are an adult (sensible… Okay, less crazy).

All the above are pretty good signs to know when your chicken will start to lay, but also remember each chicken is an individual. We have two Welsummers that hatched at the same time. One had crop issues as a chick (we thought we might lose her at one point) and ended up smaller than the other Welsummer. She still hasn’t started laying and the other has been laying for over a week now.

Crazy polish chicken
Just a crazy, flighty Polish. But isn’t she fantastic?!

Early Laying Breeds

Finally, if you just can’t wait to get some eggs consider raising breeds start young.  Here is a quick list of young egg layers, that also happen to be good egg producing chickens.

  • Plymouth
  • Sussex
  • Easter Eggers
  • Orpingtons (though in our case our Oprington was sloooow to lay)
  • Australorps
  • Leghorns

We would love to hear when your different breeds started egg laying.  If we get enough comments then we can work on honing down our averages!

How to know when your chickens will start laying eggs