If you have read Craft Thyme for any length of time you have probably realized we aren’t a cooking blog! That being said, we (especially Adam) are decent cooks. In addition to gardening and DIY I’m a not too shabby baker, but one of my hidden talents is canning. If you do any type of vegetable gardening you will find that you have a surplus of something from time to time. Canning is a great way to use up that produce without composting or giving it away.
If you have never canned it is easy and fun and takes very few tools. I had the leisure of learning from my parents who make some amazing pickles, jams, and jellies. However, if you do not have a family tradition of canning it is really easy to learn. In fact, I wrote a guest post over at Creative Savings all about getting started with water bath canning!
Please make sure to go check out How to Can over at Kalyn’s website! Book mark and save it for later this summer when you are over run with beets, cucumbers, squash, etc. It will be a perfect way to save your produce and your dollars.
Its been years since I’ve canned anything but maybe it’s time to do some canning again to save some money on my food bill.
If it is a time versus cost then this can save you a lot of money. For me, I just enjoy my own creations.
oo I have never done canning, about to hop over and read!!
It is easy and tasty!
This is so interesting. I’ve never canned before but a lot of people do so I think I might be missing out.
I think it is fun. Even if you don’t want to process cans you can always make freezer pickles and jams.
Congrats on the guest post! Hopping over to see it now, from #FridayFrivolity!