Check out my first free printable template! These two templates will allow you to create a 6 inch paper medallion or paper rosette. On Monday I showed you how to create your own DIY medallion, but if you are making a lot of them or want an easy template to get started with simply print these on the backside of any 8.5 X 11 inch sheet of paper.
Click here for the tutorial on how to create paper medallions or rosettes.
The first printable template will make a paper rosette with flat edges like the red one on the left side and the second printable will make a pointed medallion similar, but larger, than the blue one on the right. I haven’t made one with the scalloped edges… Why? Because honestly I wasn’t thrilled with them when they were done. Reminded me to much of flowers… Instead of fireworks. But after I cut out, folded, pressed, glued, etc. I wasn’t about to not use them on my 4th of July Mantel. I am meticulous; not insane.
Printable Templates are right here in case you skim websites like me:
Download pdf template for flat paper medallion here
Download pdf template for the pointed paper medallion here
Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments or via email.
If you want something fancier and have a Cricut Machine they do have templates too. (Scary Affiliate Link Ahead)
These are really adorable. They are perfect summer decorations.